Dr. Nebeker’s Dental Services

Another great reason to see your dentist regularly, consider this: Dentists are the first line of defense in the detection of oral cancer. That’s important because early detection of the disease can have a significant impact on the outcome. The earlier oral cancer is found, the better the odds of beating it. That’s where the the VELscope cancer screening tool comes in.
Oral cancer screening is routinely performed by dentists during regular dental visits. In addition to a manual evaluation, some dentists also use a screening device called a VELscope®. This painless, non-invasive tool can be used to see potentially harmful abnormalities in the tissue of your mouth that your dentist can’t spot. The result? Detecting oral cancers that otherwise might not be found.
The Oral Cancer Problem
Oral cancer screening is routinely performed by dentists during regular dental visits. In addition to a manual evaluation, some dentists also use a screening device called a VELscope®. This painless, non-invasive tool can be used to see potentially harmful abnormalities in the tissue of your mouth that your dentist can’t spot. The result? Detecting oral cancers that otherwise might not be found.
The VELscope Screening Tool
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